really? this genius? this man of the people? the WORST?
check out this lovely clip from will ferrell of bush on global warming if you're not in the 25% of the population that thinks so poorly of bush. (yes, i know an SNL skit isn't the same as bush in reality. it's actually MORE ACCURATE, go figure).
i'm a huge fan of bush, and he's basically my favorite person. of all time. the man has done great things for our country....and great photo-ops too.
thus, i give you stephen colbert
i LOVE this speech, ross, even though at times it almost seemed a bit mean-spirited. colbert's book is a bit of a let-down, but it did come with stickers ...
i can't wait to see you next weekend, yay!!!! i've got some ideas of fun stuff to do ... :)
awesome, i'll be glad to get some sun...it's been cloudy up here for over a month
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