Wednesday, November 28, 2007

oh DEAR.

when i asked my second class today if they had any good thanksgiving stories, one of my favorite students announced she got engaged. she had a gorgeous ring and was BEAMING. at first i thought, "holy christ, a freshman, ENGAGED? what has the world come to??" but of course i didn't say this and actually got a little misty -- turns out she's a senior and her fiancé is a med student at MUSC. and she said she'll be getting a job when she graduates in may to support them while he's in school. and OH YEAH: under "religious views" at her facebook page she wrote "I love jesus!!" (this was serious devotion, not sarcasm, btw).

maybe if i loved jesus more i would be married with a few kids by now. ah, hindsight ...

instead, it's 3:45 p.m. on a wednesday and i came home from teaching and replaced ill-fitting jeans with comfortable yoga pants (not unlike pajamas ...). i'm smoking, and contemplating drinking the gross lime gin in the freezer straight from the bottle. i've never done this, mind you, just considered it in moments such as these. [well, i just took a big swig. it's still as repulsive as it was with tonic two years ago when it went in the freezer. i don't really feel any better, just more like a clich

on the upside, i got this today from a student:

I would just like to thank you for all the encouraging e-mails you
have sent us through out the semester. You have really made this
semester (which is my first at clemson) very insightful learning
experience. You are an awesome instructor and very caring for your
students. I don't think I would of gotten through my public speaking
class if I had another instructor. You words of encouragement helped
me get through my nervous habits and fearful "public speaking" Thanks
again so much!

oh well, i suppose i should be happy i've finally settled on a rewarding career, even if i am a clichéd, single old woman now who puts "loungewear" on in the afternoon, shows people pictures of her pets (rarely -- seriously, this is VERY rare), smokes, has completely stopped exercising, and now DRINKS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY.

[but did i mention i'm going to vacuum today? i'm not ALL nightmare and slovenly misery, see!]


Anonymous said...

if i were at home i'd have on yoga (aka pajama) pants too! who are you trying to impress in the comfort of your own home? honestly.

sylvia said...

but tell me: did you come home and put on yoga pants in the day BEFORE you were pregnant???

if so, i feel a little better. but then again, you have a husband so it's OK ... ;)