ALERT: Unusual animal sightings reported to police
Police Chief Johnson Link said a contract security officer spotted
what he thought looked like a panther Thursday near the
Fluor Daniel halls.
Link said the department contacted a wildlife expert who said it's
unlikely the animal is a panther, but that it could be a cougar, a
dog or some other animal.
Link said people on campus should avoid the animal in case it has
rabies or some other disease.
"For your own safety it's best to stay away from any wild animal,"
Link said. "Call police at 555-2222 if you spot an unusual animal on
campus or one that's not acting normally."
Thank goodness it might only be a cougar, because it would be so much more dangerous if it were black.
oh those darn cougars! they should just buy a really big live trap and fill it with raw meat ... might be fun to see what turns up inside.
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