01. "to the dogs or whoever"
03. "right moves"
05. "open doors"
you can listen to numbers 3 + 5 by clicking here. i love these songs, and now by extension, josh ritter.
yesterday i was playing "open doors" kind of loud at the coffee shop drive-through window (not when i ordered! i had it off for that, then turned it on when i pulled up to retrieve coffee at the window, honest) and the guy who gave me my latte leaned way out the window and said, "what's the name of the band you're listening to?" i told him. he liked it. i almost gave him the CD, but i'm not ready to pass it on just yet. (coffee-shop-guy was very nice but had an abe lincoln beard. these are hideous, in case you're wondering. it was an unflattering style on abe, and remains so on everyone else as well. i think they're appropriate for costume balls ... where you go as abraham lincoln ...)
[my thanks again to dave for sharing this awesome music.]
abe beards only look good if you have a big top hat on...or you are raising a barn (amish), but still hats are involved. just smaller ones. everyone knows that. it's the beard/hat dynamic that makes it work.
Thanks for the link!
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