i'm getting much more sleep? (now i'm averaging somewhere between 7-8 hours a night i bet. when i got up at 5-5:30 a.m. each day for stupid marketing job with long commute, it was more like 5-7 hrs.)
yep. according to an slate's "your health this week," adults who get less sleep are more likely to be overweight, and a recent study of children aged 9-12 (see here for real study abstract) confirmed that the same holds true even for kids: they're more likely to be overweight the less sleep they get.
first: i think every adult would like to sleep eight hours a night, it just becomes next-to-impossible for many working adults, especially those with kids.
second: what kind of kooky neglectful parents don't mandate their kids GET 9-10 hours of sleep a night? maybe this was why i was such a freakishly underweight child?? because i had a strict bedtime until [cough, ahem] the middle of junior high? i mean, kids have to get up early for school, so parents therefore have to MAKE THEM get in bed early. don't parents WANT to have some peace and quiet to themselves each night, anyway? huh.
well, as usual i'm full of helpful parenting advice though have NO children of my own, i know. and you know, maybe some parents WANT obese children. maybe overweight parents with skinny kids wish their kids looked more like them and shared their distaste

[chip off of the old ... you know. put that kid to bed, lady. stop hugging him, do something about your eyebrows and two chins, and get some sleep! (might help those eye bags, too, over time).]
I'm STILL trapped on the third floor of this office building in a stupid marketing job. Thanks for rubbing it in.
And I LIVE for early bedtimes for my kids. It saves my sanity. Plus, it leaves me with all kinds of free time for fun things like washing dishes, doing laundry, and picking up toys. Why would I want to mess that up?
hahaha. almost down to four weeks left at said marketing job! :) and once you're home all the time, you'll have more time for you ... or at least, more time than you have now. :) those educational DVDs will be your babysitter from time to time and you'll shove the kids outside and they'll take naps and you'll teach them to pick up their own toys (and eventually do the dishes and laundry, although evan might be a little short for that right now ...)
...and it's really only three and a half weeks, what with thanksgiving break and all. not that i'm counting.
i heard once that "fat kids are harder to kidnap"
i haven't tested this but i bet it's true...unless you have chicken nuggets, then they'll pretty much follow you anywhere.
yep. and i think obese children would be less apt to RUN away when you try and kidnap them, or at least they'd probably get winded pretty quickly.
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