Sunday, February 10, 2008

quick post!

i'm busy this weekend, paying dearly for my procrastination of days and weeks past. [i had all the time in the world last week and last weekend to do these incredibly lengthy job application questions and laundry and lesson plans and EVERYTHING ELSE and so what did i do? of course. of course! i waited until the last possible second when i have 5,000,000 other things to to all at once and so now i'm flipping out .... aaahhhhccckk. i just go start eating the tums right now, preemptively.]

but my homeboy obama SWEPT saturday's primaries and caucuses across the country last night. he won in every state there was a contest: washington, nebraska, louisiana, (uh, as well as in the virgin islands. i guess they have, like, three delegates or something? that's so cute!) obama's leading hillary in delegates, apparently, but trailing her in superdelegates, which explains why his overall total (1,039) is still below hers (1,100).

[i uh, baby-sat last night, btw. (yes, because i'm suddenly in high school all over again. nevermind). i can count on one hand the number of times i've done this in the last five years. i can now count on one finger the number of time(s) i've done this, officially for money (now i feel dirty) and not as a favor for a friend. more on this another day ... (who knew babysitting paid so well?? maybe i should do this every saturday, seriously!)]


Anonymous said...

i haven't babysat in ages, that's probably why i'm so freaked out about this baby. i can't honestly tell you when the last time i changed a diaper was.

off to birthing class now! miss you, love you!

Ross said...

i'm the true master of procrastination - if you want lessons, just send cash and we can go from there.

also, i love how obama is your homeboy.

sylvia said...

jesus, i don't need diaper OR procrastination lessons, LORDY, lol. :) i'm starting to think i should get a regular babysitting gig though ... i wonder who's watching obama's kids while he's stumping all over our fair nation??? ;) (i bet it pays PRETTY WELL). michelle probably wouldn't like it when i refer to her husband as my homeboy, though ... (am i being racist? ross, you're my homeboy. and you're also white).

Ross said...

uh, i don't think our man barack would care overmuch, and besides, i'm WAAAAAY worse usually

Jen said...

Babysitting? For who? Are you having an affair on us? :)

I hope you got all your impossible deadlines met. I bet you did; you always do!