this is my gorgeous cousin alison in the blue with me on new year's eve in duluth, minn. you can't see even a teensy piece of a wine glass in front of her because in this pic she was, i believe 16 weeks pregnant and was under this crazy impression alcohol isn't recommended for growing fetuses (stupid doctors!). [and on another, completely unrelated side note: no, i don't know what the hell is wrong with my eyes in this picture and why it looks like i had an eye lift. they don't normally look like this, so "madam-like" and pulled. my amazing step-sister whom i was visiting, marisa, took the pic, and i'll post a one of us with a story another day ...]
anyhoo, alison. she's (yay yay yay!!!) pregnant and due in early may and was my friend and even roommate for a long time and very recently got herself a blog: oase. it's about her life, her pregnancy, everything. and it has a much neater design than mine, suddenly making me wish i had tried harder to make mine look unique ... hmm ...
the point i'm getting to (slowly, like always, very very slowly) is that alison was saying she was a "super copy cat" for getting a blog because she got one after two people she knows got one. heh-lo? totally CRAZY! that would be like saying everyone in the world was a "super copy cat" for getting an email address or a myspace/facebook page or whatever after the first person did. AND IT'S NOT COPYING IT'S JUST BEING ALIVE. like breathing. bandwagons come and go. blogs are here to stay, i've decided, and it took me a long time to decide that, silly as it sounds. [did we all copy the first person who started saying "fuck a duck"? i did, actually. i read that in a stephen king book when i was in junior high and decided to start saying it then. so I'M TOTAL COPY CAT, OK? but i've been saying it for so long, it feels like mine now ... but i think profanities are in the public domain, are they not?]
and besides: I LOVE READING OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOGS. don't we all in some funny way? it's like this neat blend of voyeurism and just keeping up-to-date on each other's lives/thoughts/ideas ... i love ali's blog already. i love my friend jennifer's blog about her family. i read all kinds of blogs.
one last thing for all the other haters out there [you know who you are, you who shun technology or cry that writing online for a blog isn't useful writing]: JUST STAY OFF THE INTERNET THEN. yep. you heard me. good luck with that. tell me how it goes. SEE: writing is writing is writing. (well, mostly). and i'm finding that the blog is keeping me happier and more creatively inspired than i've been in A LONG WHILE, prompting all sorts of new (imaginative) notions that had previously just been festering ...
so go get your own blogs, everyone! i'll link to you! it will be SO FUN. :) i really think they're cool and handy and inspiring in such a variety of ways ... i only wish more of my family and friends had them for me to bookmark and visit all the time.
you're bookmarked on my computer too and i usually check you out right after i balance my checkbook each morning, oh' and look at people.com and usmagazine.com. ;-) i love reading your blog. blogs are great and a great way to keep people up to date on all the latest and greatest happenings in the growing oase land. one more thing, one of my bosses, walked by my computer as i was reading your latest post and said,"hummmmm....who's the blonde." no, you want nothing to do with him. he's really old. you are too good and YOUNG for him and he doesn't want babies, sorry sweetheart. love you.
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