i used to have (er, scratch that: i STILL HAVE) this
swiss family robinson-ish tree house fantasy. i think that movie just had some sort of freaky-weird huge impression on me at an early age or something, because i totally want to have, like 10 kids and go live on an island in a giant tree house and have ostrich races and pet monkeys and dumb waiters (and pandas, duh) in my own familial utopia of sorts. completely sick and demented, i realize. where would i get books? if i let my 10 kids run around naked all the time (thus not being raised an increasingly westernized body-conscious, no, make that BODY-SHAMED locker-room mentality), how will they ever adapt to say, life at the sorbonne once they get in? ahhh ... these are the "tough" questions indeed. (also: how to prevent the tigers you raised as cubs from eating one of your 10 kids? i mean, INSTINCT is INSTINCT, you know? can you blame them?)
but i digress. of course. because i ALWAYS do this.
i really just wanted to show you this awesome link to
architecture's "
top 8 most amazing tree houses," here at someone's blog. i was just talking about tree houses with my old advisor last week because he's building his kids a neat one, so i googled them this morning and found this recent "top 8" link. these are fun (see my favorite of the eight below, and please send me links to other neat ones online if you find them!), but none of them really evoke that swiss-family-nostalgia i was hoping for. ah well, the searching is half the fun of the finding, you know ...
i too always wanted to live in a tree house, but not so much the swiss family robinson type, more the berenstain bears type.
oh, i totally forgot about their tree house!! :) but i always wanted one with a lot of pulleys and all jungle-y ...
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