Thursday, February 21, 2008

grading break ...

in between grading my 5,000,000,000 (ok, 150) student papers (23 down, 127 to go by monday-ish), i check my email and cnn compulsively. you know, in case of ... some kind of student/friend/world disaster i need to know about ASAP.

and apparently john mccain is in hot water over accusations he gave a lobbyist "special treatment." big whoop. but what struck me most was this photo at cnn (courtesy of AP): [OK, SO I GUESS MY CNN-AP PHOTO DISAPPEARED FOR SOME REASON AND I LOOKED ALL OVER THE INTERWEB FOR IT FOR THE LAST 20 MINUTES (I LIE, I LIE--I LOOKED FOR IT FOR OVER 35 MINUTES BECAUSE THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME INSIDE) AND IT'S GONE. GONE! THIS IS A CLOSE SECOND. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY CINDY'S ON CRUTCHES HERE]:

i had to go to wikipedia and do a little reading and math, because judging from this photo, he is 7,000 years old and his wife is 50 or so. i mean, DEAR GOD. she is like an age-appropriate supermodel and HE looks prematurely embalmed. i know the campaign trail is grueling, yet somehow cindy finds time for skin maintenance, cosmetics, waxing, etc. and so maybe she should take her husband with her to the plastic surgeon/dermatologist/aesthetician? wow. john, two words: CHAP STICK. well, maybe that should be one word. whatever. get some. and maybe a little sun wouldn't hurt. you're from arizona for christ's sake. and at 71 isn't it kind of late to sun damage your skin anyway?

[btw, in case you're wondering, cindy's only 17 years younger, not 6,950; she's 54 or so. but no real scandal i'm happy to report: they've been married for almost 28 years and have had three kids. nevermind that he was 52 when the third was born ... oh well.]

[p.s. speaking about mccain, check out this sad song/video illustrating his position on the war. mccain wouldn't be such a bad guy if his support for the war in iraq wasn't so unequivocal.]

1 comment:

jgo67 said...

I wouldn't mind looking at a 70 year old man if he spoke the wisdom of 70 years of experience. I don't get that from him or the print I have read about him. So, if given the chance, I am voting for the young guy!