well, i'm here to help.
i've actually been sending you telepathic messages for some time now, but i'm not sure you're receiving them.

yes, this is the most current anthropologie catalog that i recently got in the mail. and yes, YOU CAN BUY ME EVERYTHING IN IT.
by "everything," i actually mean "everything." if you need my sizes in shoes, pants, tops, dresses, beds, walls, etc., just post a comment and i'll get back to ASAP. (note: i have been including these sizes in my telepathic messages, but as with the messages themselves, i fear they may have gotten lost somewhere along the way).
oh sure, there are other, more valuable ways to burn through your piles of cash (friends committee on national legislation [fcnl] comes to mind, a quaker lobby group that promotes peace and social justice), but you probably have your pet causes already, don't you?
just take a look at this blouse, though, and tell me you don't think WE WOULD ALL look ravishing in it:

and look at this beautiful scene below! there's a peacock! truly the anthropologie catalogs are works of art. don't you wish you lived in gauzy-perfect-french-bohemian-anthropologie world??
[SIGH. i do.]

so please invisible millionaires, do what you know is right in your heart: buy me everything from the anthropologie catalog. (click on link to view the catalog, and just imagine how happy i would be in the blue dress on pg. 5, or the white dress on pg. 8).
this isn't really asking too much. it's not haute couture we're talking about, just out of my price range at the moment ...
thanking you in advance for your kindness,
:) sylvia.
i know you want everything, but if by some chance you end up with some stuff you don't love as much as the rest, i'm your gal. i too want EVERYTHING in that store. it's not even funny. all my favorite dished in my cupboards are from antropologie. great post. very original.
uhhh, i would laugh if i actually saw someone wear that dress/blouse combo. it would look totally ridiculous irl. just saying :)
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