Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"religion could be a key issue in SC primary"


no, really?? the subheading of this ABC news video i just watched online was "in south carolina, there's no separating church and politics."

the spin on THIS piece was african-american churches and their support for obama, with a passing reference to something-like "it's not just conservative churches who tell people how to vote."

uhm, even though i love obama (though wish he and hillary would sort of shut up with their petulant squabbling and rhetorical barbs), i do awesomely LOATHE the lack of separation of church and state here in The South.

i know sometimes i make comparisons to The South and to third-world (sorry: "developing") nations, and maybe this is insulting. but honestly, The South had a little economic setback after 1865 ... and then with the jim crow laws they let sit around in existence, and the anti-union laws ... the result of which was the southern economy being largely agrarian with some textiles here and there, and its people being ill-educated. all this while a large proportion of the populace went on living in poverty while much of The South's wealth was concentrated in the hands of few ... this is not unlike a developing nation in many respects.

let's see ...

strom thurmond = augusto pinochet (except strom was in power WAY longer)
mardi gras = carnival in brazil
southern baptists/evangelicals/whatevers = vatican/mecca/whatever
+ small middle class
+ high(er) infant mortality
+ low(er) literacy rates
[i could and should do more, but now i'm tired and yes, also stupid, and just want to go to bed.]

whatever. i'm not angry. i'm glad people are voting (esp for obama!), are participating in the democratic process, you know the drill ... and there are MANY LOVELY things about The South, or i wouldn't be here, would i? i love so much about this place.

i just don't think church should tell you who to vote for. church should tell you to act with compassion to everyone you meet, everyone in your small community and your global community. then let your heart tell you who is the best person to greet the world with love, humility, and tolerance. (probably NOT chuck norris and his crazy baptist running-mate ...)

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