i'm in shock and awe (sorry for that, couldn't be helped) and am really excited and happy for him! apparently he scored a 99% on his combined entrance tests so has his pick of jobs (he also passed the physical with "flying colors," which isn't a phrase i'd want used for my physical exam results, but whatever). he's probably going to try and be a nuclear technician on an aircraft carrier, which requires like, two years of school first and then you get paid pretty well and can make rank quickly if you work hard.
so, congratulations, ross! everybody's proud of you. we'll be even prouder if you survive boot camp -- but not too surprised. you might want to start running now. a lot. and lifting weights. and getting used to taking a crap in front of other men.
it's the no sleep that gets ya. "oh, i can do some push-ups and they can yell and call me names...what?...i can't go to sleep?...shit."
Ha. Did I say flying colors? How embarrassing...
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