Tuesday, January 22, 2008

other very important things ...

[me? quick to divert attention from my asinine splinter post? why no ...] my, wall street looks anxious today, doesn't it? and look at those oscar nominations! (i KNEW juno would get a few nods. i just read diablo cody's book [this is the gal who wrote juno] candy girl: a year in the life of an unlikely stripper, and it was entertaining if not particularly revelatory).

but as for the crazy-worldwide-tumbling stock market (apparently amid fears an impending U.S. recession will have a global reach), i like the author's last word of this DIRECT QUOTE from a CNNmoney article (emphasis definitely MINE) from this morning:

Among stocks to watch, financial stocks are likely to take another hit after Bank of America and Wachovia both posted dismal results due to the mortgage and credit mess.

i like how this isn't then explained, because we should all (by now) know what the "mortgage and credit mess" is. hilarious. i wish there was a link to THAT, our current MESS.

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