the most awesome potty. ever.
think of the damage you can do to your kids by strapping them to a fucking toilet. (freud couldn’t have come up with better negative reinforcement). amazing. WAY better than spanking. they should put in the brochure “turn out bathroom light to really speed up urination/defecation process!”
i just want to say one more thing about this...thing. what is that blue...uh...protective cup/cod piece thing? WHAT?! I WASN'T LOOKING, BUT WHAT IS THAT FOR?!
yes, the codpiece. ugh, how can they even "go" with that there??
but here's the sad news (now i feel like an asshole, unsurprisingly): my mother sent me an email (not such a fan of the blog, i'm guessing) and said, "I think if you look carefully at the child in the picture you might discern that he/she doesn’t look quite 'normal.' Having spent a little bit of time around kids and adults with cerebral palsy, the kid in the picture certainly looks like a poster child for that disease/disorder. Having a potty that would help keep spastic movements restrained would be a blessing both to the child as well as their caregiver. Just something to keep in mind before rushing to judgment."
oh mom.
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