five days left to pack up my house and put 99% of it in a storage unit (which i finally got, btw, from a crazy man who rides a motorcycle with his dog elsa on the front. he also rents elsa out as a "therapy dog" he mentioned to me. twice. i told him thanks, but i get enough therapy from my own dogs).
last night i finally started packing. and to my surprise, it went incredibly slower than i expected, which was scary. i have 10 SMALL BOXES OF BOOKS. i don't even have that many books, really, as i moved here with like, a dozen total. jesus. mainly i moved things around from one pile to another place, mumbling to myself about whether i should throw it away, take it to the thrift store, or keep it. (battery charger for AA batteries? keep. old headphones i never use that are half-broken? toss. 20 tall candles??? basket of office supplies that has been generally ignored for the last two years?? saran wrap????)
hopefully this is not how it will go for the rest of the packing ...
but i'm in such a weird situation. i'm not moving to another house. i'm living with my parents for the summer and taking just the bare necessities (clothes, bathroom stuff -- dogs!), and then everything else goes to storage for god only knows ... because ...
and she's going to make loads of money and it sounds like a wonderful job and she paid a search agency to find her a teaching abroad job and she had over 75 to choose from and i'm soooooo excited for her and maybe i should do the same thing except that's not really what i was looking to do right now with my life but i do love living in foreign countries and fuck i can't seem to find a job that pays anything good in this part of the world (on the ocean) and so i am in a total state of NOT KNOWING AND THAT IS KILLING ME.
[ahem.] fortunately today, as a brief respite from the packing, errands, etc. a girlfriend and i are going to a palm reader, so maybe this will clear some things up. (BECAUSE DID I ALSO EVER MENTION THAT I LEARNED A FEW WEEKS AGO THAT MY 'LIFE LINE' AND MY 'LOVE LINES' DO NOT INTERSECT ON EITHER OF MY TWO PALMS???? no wonder my love life is a disaster and i will never get married and have children and settle down anywhere. it's not in my destiny. but maybe i'm doing it wrong and so hopefully "mrs. sophia" can clear THIS up today, too).
i'll let you know.
i'm already missing where i am right now.

We're already missing you too. Seriously.
If you want to stay in Greenville, we have an extra room! It's all yours.
Ditto janderssen's sentiment. jjaques said the same thing when we left lunch last week. he said he was sad just knowing you wouldn't be in clemson anymore. we know it is a loss for all liberal thinkers in this stale, heavy-handed conservative society. you are a breath of fresh air and talent. try as we might, we won't be the same without you. so don't stay away too long.
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