Thursday, May 8, 2008

patiently waiting ...

i've been waiting and waiting and waiting until my glorious cousin alison posted on her own blog about her BRAND-NEW BABY BORN LAST WEEK, 4/30: TALLACK RICHARD OASE (6.3 oz, 20 1/4"), and then i finally talked to her today and she said i didn't need to wait!!! well, i clearly don't know the blogging protocol here (ack!), but i was freaked about putting pictures up before she did. (anyhoo, she did finally get to check her email and post last night, so any reservations i had ARE GONE).

between alison and her lovely twin bridget (see my houston post about visiting them last fall), i have had so many INCREDIBLE PICTURES to choose from to post here. (tallack is seriously one of the cutest babies i've ever seen -- those LIPS! he totally has his mother's scarlet johanssen lips.) my favorite pics were these ones of his mother right after he's born where she's crying with happiness (and in the pic here her husband jergen has tears in his eyes, too!) ... made me cry with happiness. [sniff!] oh! babies! new lives! new everythings! (see my old post about this crazy-baby-love i have) ... i'm already so excited to see tal this summer and kiss him all over and snuggle him and eat his toes and rock him and burp him ...

CONGRATULATIONS, SWEET COUSIN! i'm full of awe and impressed beyond belief! you DID IT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Precious baby.